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Birds of Prey Review (Spoiler Free)

Birds of Prey is a refreshing breath of fresh air that’s inspired me to fall in love with DC’s theater releases again. After years of heart-wrenching disappointments from DC Films, fans are finally in for a real treat. One that gets down to the nitty gritty, frivolity, and shenanigans of reading comics -- especially those featuring anti-heros, grey characters, and misfits. Like Into the Spider-Verse, Birds of Prey perfectly replicates the medium of reading comic books into an on-screen experience. It’s the exact opposite of the Joker movie - it’s fun, funny, and obviously made by hard comic book nerds who care deeply for the source materials. The casting is sublime, the acting is on point, and everyone kills it in their roles. Especially Ewan McGregor, who brings a fresh perspective to the Black Mask character. Avid readers of Birds of Prey comics, 2011 Suicide Squad comics, New 52, and Rebirth will recognize multiple layers of comics derived Easter eggs and references in this glorious film. There are also some delicious references to Batman: The Animated Series and animated DC flicks that made this jaded purist squeal out loud with delight.

Regardless of if you’ve picked up DC comics or watched Batman cartoons before, you’ll enjoy the hell out of this technicolor rollercoaster. Cathy Yan is a mastermind, treating viewers to a non-stop marathon of gorgeous cinematography, creative stunts and fight choreography, musical scores, and special effects. You could watch this movie on mute and it would still be a great time, because it’s like a moving work of art -- strapped to a glitter bomb with a black belt, lipstick, and C4. But you don’t want to watch it on mute, because you’ll miss out on the brilliant dialogue and perfectly crafted soundtrack -- one on par with Guardians of the Galaxy or Deadpool. Come to think of it, Birds of Prey is like watching Deadpool plus a Guardians film, combined with Snatch, mixed with Jackie Chan, plus a touch of Scorsese, a dash of Rodriguez, and hint of Tarantino.

What’s even better, this movie feels no need to lay heavy on the exposition. It assumes the audience is smart enough to figure things out for themselves. There are no mile-long text-positions about characters as they appear on-screen, no overly-complex plots man-splained by bad guys while the good gal is in over their head (or, are they? Let’s watch and see, shall we?). Birds of Prey makes no time for bullshit, or fluff, or anything of the sort. It starts off with a bang and keeps on going without getting derailed for a solid, side splitting, eye-rolling two hours. It’s just good old fashioned fun, mixed with action, Girl Power, and delightfully twisted comedy that will have you laughing and blushing simultaneously.

Kudos to everyone involved with this lovely and sorely needed addition to the DC universe, but especially to the main ladies in charge -- Margot Robbie, Christina Hodson, and Cathy Yan. A comic book inspired movie about women, made by women who read comics? What a concept! Plus, it’s rated fucking R!!! As any properly made Harley Quinn/Birds of Prey/DC movie should be. I give it an A+, 100%, 5 Stars, Two Enthusiastic Thumbs up!

From the bottom of my twisted little heart, THANK YOU so much for making this movie! I will definitely be seeing this in the theaters again at least once more, and eagerly await any sequels or spinoffs (Gotham Sirens, por favor!).


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