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Patient Review - Medical Cannabis Product - Mary’s Medicinals Transdermal Patches!

*Note: I am an independent, third party patient, reviewing new products that come into the dispensary I have designated as my Primary Care Center. They highly value constructive feedback from a patient who has a genuine debilitating condition, as well as previous experience in the industry. I hope my unique and candid insights help the Medical Cannabis Industry continue to evolve in ways that always keep patient needs first.*

Please, if you find any value from this blog, please consider making a donation to the PayPal link at the top right of the page. I don't create these posts expecting anything but to help/entertain others, but I am a disabled mechanic/artist who is not currently receiving SSI/SSDI and when I'm flared up it's hard if not impossible for me to get my hustle on. I'm also working on adding Bitcoin here! :) 

Management of chronic pain can be a great challenge. Most effective pain relievers are dangerous or potentially addictive, and every body has unique biochemistry, so what works for some people may not work for others. Cannabis has the potential to be an extremely strong analgesic, among its countless other uses, but an efficacious delivery method is vital for the body to absorb and use it properly.

Those patients with compromised digestive systems, fast metabolisms, high tolerances, and/or chronic illness often find ourselves struggling to keep ahead of our symptoms. I know the issues such people can have all too well! I am currently disabled and homebound due to a genetically inherited autoimmune disease. Besides the pain and inflammation I deal with on a daily basis, I also have been desperately struggling to manage the extreme pain caused every month by my menstrual cramps. They have ruled my life for almost 14 years now; affecting my work schedules, social plans, and overall quality of life in ways that are impossible to comprehend unless you have been there in some way yourself.

So how does one manage this kind of pain in ways that are as minimally damaging to the body as possible? 14 years and counting is a long time to rely on pills, and I know firsthand how detrimental they can be when used long-term. I’ve lost multiple friends to overdoses from prescription drugs, and my body has been torn up from chronic NSAID use. I also have a true allergy to opiates and sulfates. This is why I have been experimenting with Plant Medicines instead of pharmaceuticals, using myself as a guinea pig, and Cannabis still remains one of my favorite Plant Allies.

To be honest, I am disappointed with the majority of Medical Cannabis products currently in production. Many of the “medibles” on the dispensary shelves are made up primarily of ingredients like refined sugars, starches, chocolate, grains, dairy and other major allergens – items which promote inflammation and my chronically ill body can’t tolerate at this time. These are “stoner munchies”, not medicine. Some vendors are pretty legit, focusing on whole foods based and allergen friendly ingredients, but in the end, if it’s a product that’s consumed via the mouth, it’s probably not going to work very well for patients like me. My gut is just too damaged and thus anything I eat doesn’t get absorbed very efficiently; throw in my lighting fast metabolism, annoyingly high tolerance, and pain that rivals anything else I’ve felt before (including when I had an accident that involved losing the end of my middle finger – story for another time)…then you may start to understand how I’m able to rabidly consume the products that put your “six foot two, 210 pound buddy to sleep”.


When I am in the midst of my most severe pain, what we would call “Level 10” if using the standard “0-10 Assessment Scale” (see above Scrubs clip), and the only medical cannabis products I have are edibles, tinctures, drinks, or flowers, I find I have to consume something at least every 2 hours to keep my pain within a manageable threshold, on top of smoking or vaporizing constantly. This is not only expensive, time consuming, and taxing on the body, the last thing I want to do to when I’m getting my ass kicked by my cramps is eat a sweet or salty snack every few hours for days on end. In my quest for pain alleviation, I keep thinking to myself, “There has to be a better way!” Please don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of all methods of cannabis delivery, as they all serve their purposes. Some people get the relief they need from half of a 100mg cookie, and that’s great! It’s just that I personally have been really, really struggling to find a medical cannabis product that efficiently alleviates my long-term, debilitating, chronic pain, and after conferring with fellow patients in similar situations, I know I’m not alone.

Thankfully, Mary's Medicinals has unveiled a series of new products that I am very excited about.  They are called “transdermal patches”; sticky silicone patches that are applied to the skin and deliver the medical cannabis directly into the bloodstream! These are straight-up pharmaceutical grade medical products. Transdermal patches are an ideal way to manage pain like mine, because the medicine is delivered straight into the bloodstream, is completely bio-available (meaning 100% of the medicine is absorbed by the body, compared to an edible where only about 10% is readily absorbed) and the effects last exponentially longer than any other method of consumption. At least, this is what the lovely information packet that came with the patches declared. I couldn’t wait to put these claims to the test. And the patches were delivered to me, by my super awesome boyfriend (and caregiver), right when I needed them most – the first day of my menstrual cycle or what is known in our household as “D-Day”. No exaggeration, I plan and prepare for my cycle like a survivalist preparing for the Coming Apocalypse. I have to. I fear my monthly pain infinitely more than zombies or food shortages. You can kill zombies and grow food. It's not that easy to manage chronic pain!

The product packaging features nostalgic images of old-time apothecary bottles, information about some of the primary cannabinoids currently under medical study, and the transdermal patches themselves. They are offered in doses of 10 mg, and are cannabinoid specific. So far they offer CBN, CBD, CBG, THC, and THCa specific patches, as well as blends of CBD/THC. Each one is recommended for specific applications and symptoms.

I got three patches in my sample kit:
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)- Suggested for relief from pain & anxiety, reduction of muscle spasms & nausea, promotion of sleep, & appetite stimulation.
THCa (Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid) - Non-activated form of THC. Suggested for non-drowsy pain relief, anti-spasmadic, & inhibitor of cancerous cell growths.
CBN (Cannabinol) - For muscle spasms, inflammation, & insomnia.

I must admit that initially I was very skeptical of the dosage. At only 10 mg I was tempted to try all 3 patches at once and consider myself lucky if I felt any effects at all.
But, I was advised against it, and after my experimentation am glad I listened. 

Here are my findings:

3:35pm – Started with the THCa patch, since I am seeking “non-drowsy pain relief”. At this time, my pain level is around a 7. I’m also feeling dizzy, nauseas, fatigued, and have no appetite. The instructions suggest applying the patch to a “venous part of the skin; top of foot, inside of ankle, inside wrist”. Based on this, I put the THCa patch on top of my right foot. I find the plastic lining difficult to remove - had it been a day when my arthritis was really acting up I would have needed assistance getting it off - but once applied the patch feels surprisingly comfortable and light on my skin. The adhesive doesn’t feel heavy and my skin is still able to breathe. There is a warning in the instructions stating that “burning or itching” may occur upon application, but happily I feel no such affects. It seems Mary’s went out of their way to use high quality materials in these patches, which is greatly appreciated, since they will be on my skin for at least 8 hours. 

What the patches look like when applied

4pm – Starting to feel pain relief. It’s coming in “waves” – my body starts to relax and eyes get heavy for around 10 minutes, then the pain will peek through for about the same amount of time, and then it is masked again by another wave of pain relief. Perhaps it’s because the patch is on one side of the body and the blood has to flow around. The instructions do say “While it delivers cannabinoids at a controlled rate, it is not a perfectly steady release.” I’m also finding that my head feels a bit “funny”, very similar to how Marinol made me feel when I first tried it many moons ago (long before we had things like blogs). Overall, the effects feel  very nice; more effective than any edible product I’ve had in Colorado. When the pain is masked, its down to a 2. When the pain peeks through the “cannabis curtain”, its closer to a 7. So yes, the THCa patch is definitely working. Probably will need to apply a second patch soon though, my pain is really starting to become severe.

4:11pm – Applied the CBN patch to the top of my left foot. I’m hoping that having patches on both sides of my body will help steady the release of the medicine, as I’m still feeling the effects in very noticeable “waves” and the pain that is peeking through now is very strong, getting close to Level 10. I’m also thinking that the synergy of the THCa combined with the CBN will help my head feel less “Marinol-like”.

4:50pm – Pain is almost completely alleviated! I’d say my pain is now around level 2 or 3 and staying there pretty consistently. Seems like having patches on both sides of the heart really helps, along with the synergy of multiple cannabinoids. I’m still fighting the vertigo and dizziness I was feeling before applying the patches, but its probably because I haven’t eaten anything yet today. Oh. Food! I forgot how awesome you are! My appetite is now totally primed. I’m gonna go raid my kitchen! Be back in a bit J

5:30pm – Feeling much better after eating. So happy I was finally able to do that! Now I’m ready for a much needed nap.

6:30pm – Woke up feeling groggy but in good spirits and still free of pain. The effect of the two patches combined is proving to be very strong, very narcotic-like. Awesome! Once out of bed my grogginess clears up. Ready for dinner now!

8:40pm – Still feeling effects from the two patches, including The Munchies. The “waves” affect still comes and goes, but much less pronounced with patches on both sides of the body. Pain levels are currently fluctuating from 2-5, but the cycles where the pain peeks through are much shorter than the times I feel relief. Head still feels a little bit funny/”Marinol-like”, but its easy to ignore. It’s a small price to pay considering most efficient analgesics have really harsh side effects like nausea, dizziness, constipation, and physical addiction.

10:30pm –Baked an improvised dessert, and it was glorious! I’ve eaten a lot today, and that’s good news, because I really struggle with eating and absorbing nutrients, and my doctor wants me to gain at least 10 pounds. Still feeling waves of symptom relief, but have definitely passed the peak. My head is much clearer now, eyelids aren’t feeling as heavy, and the pain is making itself known again. But the patches themselves are still very comfortable. I’m surprised that I keep forgetting they’re on top of my feet, and even when I remember I don’t feel them much at all. No itchiness or discomfort to speak of, and I have very sensitive skin. Pretty sure I will need to apply the third and last patch before I am able to go to bed for the night. Gonna smoke/vape a bit and brush my teeth before making up my mind.

10:55pm – Yep, definitely need that last patch. The pain is becoming very strong again. I apply the THC patch to the inside of my right ankle, targeting the veins that run through that area. Currently my pain level is fluctuating between 3 and 6.

11:15pm – Pain starting to become alleviated again, but too exhausted to stay up any longer and take additional notes. Off to bed with this sleepy but content patient.

Next Morning – 

Woke up around 8:30, not completely refreshed, but I’m blaming my hormones, hot flashes, and late night berry cobbler for that and not the patches themselves. Having two fresh patches to apply prior to bed instead of just one probably would have been beneficial; despite that my pain is still subdued which is a lovely surprise. Overall, I’m in good spirits, and feel much better after my morning routine of smoking/vaping and sipping some warm ginger tea. I feel mentally sharp and have an overwhelming desire to do something active/social ; a rarity for me nowadays.

The patches are still very comfortable on my skin – no itching or sweating, and they remain firmly in place. I put socks on in case the corners tried to lift up while I was sleeping, but I don’t think that was necessary. These patches are very thin and so don’t have a tendency to snag on surfaces like sheets.

Removing the patches from my skin was surprisingly easy and comfortable. I must note that I don’t have hair on any of the areas where I applied the patches, so I can’t comment on how badly they tug on hair. Once the patches are removed, there is a bit of redness that lasts a few minutes, but I experience no itching or irritation. The residual tackiness is easily removed with little to moderate effort using soap and water, and adding an exfoliate like baking soda helps. 

Right after removing all three patches, can barely see any redness or irritation
Although the instructions state “the cannabinoids remain in the blood for several hours even once the patch is removed”, about 20 minutes after removing the patches I am hit with a wave of pain. Apparently they were still releasing cannabinoids! Unable to go purchase more and desperate to keep the pain from coming back full force, I pull the now wadded up ball of patches out of the trash, unravel them, and stick them back on my feet! Luckily, after about 30 minutes, I start to feel minor relief again, which lasts through the afternoon. I’m impressed by how long the effects last, and wish I had more to get me through the following few days! From now on, I definitely plan to have a stash of Mary’s Medicinals Transdermal Patches in my medicine cabinet at all times.


This is by far the best medical cannabis product and delivery method I have used to date for treating my most severe pain. It even rivals many of the true narcotics that I’ve experimented with in the past. The ease of use, discreet application, long lasting affects, relatively stable delivery, and bioavailability make for an incredibly efficacious medicine. If you had told me last week that I would feel viable effects from 10 to 30 mg and they would last for over 6 hours, I would have laughed in your face. I’ve eaten 800 mg edibles that went right through me and had barely any effect at all. These patches are so efficient that those with lower tolerances or less debilitating symptoms could (make that “should”) cut these patches in half, or even quarters.

-There are only a few minor changes I would like to see take place with these patches:

1) I would greatly appreciate a more user friendly plastic backing. Once started, the backing came off with little effort, but I found it was very difficult to get started. Perhaps there is some way to make it like a sticker’s, where the plastic is perforated and peels off in pieces. This way someone with arthritis could just fold the patch and the backing would already be started and ready to peel off. 

Example of suggested plastic backing
2) I strongly prefer the synergy of multiple cannabinoids to the way isolated ones make me feel. This may be caused by the fact that my condition is systemic, i.e. involving the entire body, and so I may benefit the most from as close to a “whole plant” experience as possible. Perhaps Mary’s could offer patches in different combinations of cannabinoids, along with one higher strength level, like 15 or 20 mg. I could have definitely used something a bit stronger when I was in the grip of my Level 10 Pain.

3) Lastly, my experience shows these patches release the medicine more consistently when there is one on either side of the heart, so perhaps they could be packaged for use in pairs, or this suggestion could be added to the already detailed and helpful instructional packet.

Overall, an excellent, pharmaceutical grade, medical cannabis product! Strongly recommended for the traveling patient (think: flying!) and/or those suffering from chronic illness or long-term debilitating symptoms; especially pain, inflammation, insomnia, and cachexia.

A massive “Thank You!!!” to Mary’s Medicinals for creating and distributing such a wonderful and viable medicine, not just another “stoner novelty”. I look forward to experimenting with your full line of Transdermal Patches to manage my myriad of symptoms, and to more Medical Marijuana companies offering similar grade products in the future.

What are your favorite Medical Cannabis products or companies in Colorado today?
Which new products would you like to see produced by these companies, or reviewed on here by this self-appointed guinea pig?

Thanks so much for reading and your continued support!

*Love & Light*
-Renata Carmen

Please, if you find any value from this blog, please consider making a donation to the PayPal link at the top right of the page. I don't create these posts expecting anything but to help/entertain others, but I am a disabled mechanic/artist who is not currently receiving SSI/SSDI and when I'm flared up it's hard if not impossible for me to get my hustle on. I'm also working on adding Bitcoin here! :) 


  1. Thank you soooooo much for this very thorough review! I greatly appreciate it. I am also genuinely happy that this product has helped you so much with such heartbreaking, debilitating conditions. I just purchased the CBN patches as only CBN and THCa patches were available at the location I frequent.

    My symptoms are no where near as severe as what you are experiencing. I suffer from back pain caused by muscle spasms and have panic disorder which makes the muscle spasms flare up, many times to a level 8-ish.

    I recently tried some salve (it was a sample and I'm not sure of the producer) and I realized how helpful topical options can be not only for the spasms but to help, calm my anxiety and panic disorder symptoms (almost instantly, better than xanex and without the annoying side effects), offering a sort of double solution for the spasms.

    After my sample ran out, I tried Apothecanna's Extra Strength Pain Creme and it was very helpful for the mild arthritis in my hands and mild carpal tunnel. I do believe this can be a helpful product but it was not strong enough to even put a dent in my back pain and was not calming enough to help with the spasming. I will focus on trying more salves in the future as opposed to lotions.

    About 30 minutes ago I cut the Mary's CBN into quarters and applied one to my wrist. I agree that the plastic lining was difficult to remove, but once started there was no problem with it coming off. I applied to my wrist and it is comfortable and not really noticable (even while typing this). I believe I am feeling some minor muscle relaxation so I'm hopeful this will continue. In retrospect, I probably should have applied to my left wrist as that is the side of my back that is currently having the worst spasms. I will give it some more time and adjust as necessary.

    Thank you again, I really appreciate such a detailed review. I also appreciate these types of products.

    1. you are so very welcome!!! i'm so happy to hear that my reviews are helpful! i get so tired of the same reviews you read in the Rooster and everywhere else, you know, the "dude, couch lock!" reviews. so i figured i'd post reviews that i want to read! thanks for the heads up about the salves, i have only tried one, by Sweet Mary Jane's (this was a sample too - has a trippy cartoon babe with green eyes and blonde hair in a nurse's uniform on the front). i like it and agree that topicals can be very effective for spasms. how cool that it helps your anxiety too! benzo's are some super serious meds, so anytime i hear someone finds a viable alternative it makes me do my "happy dance" and "suck it, Big Pharma dance" at the same time :) thanks for taking the time to post your feedback. knowing others benefit from my work helps motivate me to keep posting. i have fallen off over the last month cuz i've allowed some life stuff to get in my way, but i'll be coming back stronger than ever with some really good stuff i'm excited to talk about! much love to you. *hugs*

  2. I am pleased and hopeful to hear about your review. I am at the Downtown Sheraton and not from Denver,Would you know of a 'rec' shop close to the hotel that has them?

    1. My sincerest apologies for the delayed response to your question! My health has been very poor and I relocated to the North East, so my blog has suffered greatly as a result. I wouldn't have been able to help you much anyway because I am no longer in CO and I am not familiar with any of the stores that have gone Recreational out there. I must say I do very much miss the cannabis scene out there and hope other states start catching up soon. Best of luck to you and I hope your stay was pleasant! Peace.

  3. thank you for your review on the patches. I cant take nsid either and last time I did I ended up in the hospital screaming somebody please kill me.. the pain was that bad.. anyway now I will try out the patches and hopefully they will work for me. I just don't want to get high ..only want the pain to go away.. thank you so much again for taking the time to write your review for everyone.

    1. Melody, Thank you so much for taking a moment to post a reply! As a blogger I'm learning that for every thousand people or so that view a post, only one or two will post a comment! So first off, thank you! :) I hope that you too will be able to find relief from medical cannabis products, like the patches. I have been out of Colorado for over a year now, so I have no clue what new stuff they have out on the market. But there's so many things to try as a patient out there. Don't be afraid to try different things until you find what works for your symptoms. For my Fibromyalgia, I have found that a whole plant experience gives me the most relief, but am also learning that doesn't necessarily mean you have to get high to achieve it. Although I have had a relationship with cannabis since long before the medical scene, so I don't mind that side effect, hehe. But for those that don't want to feel buzzed when medicating, the THCa, CBN, or CBD patches are probably what you want. THCa is the non activated form of THC, so it doesn't have the same psychoactive effects as THC, and CBD/CBN don't have as much of a psychoactive effect either. As you're experimenting with cannabis products, remember that this plant and its derivatives are very benign. The LD-50 (pharmacological term used to describe the dose it takes in an experiment to kill half the population being experimented upon) of cannabis is crazy high - like 1500 pounds in 15 minutes. Which trust me, is damn near impossible. So, if you ever do try a product that gets you high when you're not expecting it, just remember that in a couple hours you will be totally fine. Put on some soothing music, have a friend you can trust, whatever makes you feel calm. Anytime you're trying a product for the first time it's advisable to do it during a time when you don't have anything you will have to take care of (like go to work) and be in a place/with people that make you comfortable. Hope this was helpful! Please feel free to ask any questions you might have! And Trill Alternatives in Boulder has some very sweet and knowledgeable budtenders there with a huge variety of products, if you're looking for a dispensary to start with. Much love from Vermont!

  4. Do the CBD patches work as well as the THCa for arthritis pain? Do you know if the patches are available in Vermont? Thank you.

  5. Do you know if the CBD patch is effective as the THCa for arthritis pain? Do you if The patches are available in VT? Thank you.

    1. Isabel - unfortunately as far as I know, transdermal patches are still only aval in CO. I could be wrong on this. Hopefully other states will soon catch up. I do believe that THCa would be helpful for arthritis, but for severe arthritis you may need a combo of cannabinoids for full relief. Are you a fellow Vermonter? That is where I am now :) Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you! Much love <3


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