Women experience three general stages in life: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The Crone represents wisdom, experience, and the final phase of life for women. In other words, The Crone represents life after menopause. Menopause is an inevitable part of every natural born woman’s life. It takes about ten years to complete from the onset of initial symptoms, known as “perimenopause.” When a woman hasn’t menstruated in more than a year, that is known as menopause. Menopause is actually the easy part, it’s getting through the ten years or so of perimenopause leading up to that point that’s difficult. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, changes in body fat composition, changes in sleeping patterns, increases in anxiety and depression, digestive changes -- all those things you hear about and read about and we make light of like on That 70’s Show and Fried Green Tomatoes. It’s always funny when it’s happening to someone else, but when it starts happening to you, things you once laughed at you ...
Musings about chronic illness, pro-wrestling, cars, love, and other things.