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Bar Wrestling 10/31/2019: Happy Halloween, Farewell Tyler Bateman

One of the things I love most about indie wrestling is it represents democracy in its purest and most idyllic form -- uncensored, raw, and self-accountable. In the squared circle, all people are equal, and all people wrestle together -- regardless of gender, race, religion, creed, size, shape, or anything else that might otherwise cause us to become divided. Justice is doled out to the wicked by the good in real-time. The rules are simple, transparent, and easily understood, as any well written laws should be. The enforcer of the rules is a trustworthy and respected member of the community -- as any judge, peace officer, or other official should be. Above the rules and enforcers of the rules lies the highest authority of any democracy -- the people.

The Sea Stars as The Young Bucks <3

The people of indie wrestling are the ultimate authority. Our voices count above everything else, and feedback is provided in real time, for all to hear and witness. We even regulate ourselves as a whole -- if one of the fans yells something inappropriate or cruel, be prepared for us to yell FUCK THAT GUY or ASSHOLE in retaliation. If the crowd noise is too high, stifling important sounds coming from the ring, we will SHH in unison until it’s quiet again. Through our chants and signs, the crowds of indie wrestling events sing a siren song of democracy, even if we aren’t aware of what we’re doing in the moment. Most importantly, indie wrestling never takes itself too seriously, and its fans call out those that might dare to do so.

 Where else do adults play make-believe with each other in public?

Our world right now could take notes from indie wrestling fans, and I wish I had the power to be able to conjure up a crowd of them whenever justice needs to be doled out in real time. How glorious would it be if, instead of everyone ignoring someone being a jerk on public transportation and feeling really uncomfortable, for everyone to chant in unison FUCK THAT GUY! until he shut up and left everyone alone? Or the next time a politician is at a rally and he says something ignorant or obscene, the crowd yells ASSHOLE or YOU FUCKED UP or YOU SICK FUCK -- the way we yell it when it’s necessary at indie wrestling shows? I firmly believe the world would be a better place if it were structured like an indie wrestling show. There would be a better balance of democracy and justice -- two things that are being sorely tested in our current world.

Posing with Kris Statlander -- a true badass.

So we come to Halloween in this foul Year of our Lord, 2019. The final night of Pagan and Earth centered calendars, and Tyler Bateman’s last night with Bar Wrestling before heading off to the bigger pastures of ROH. It is always bittersweet when a wrestler leaves the indies to get signed with one of the bigger brands -- we hate to see you leave, but we know how hard you worked to get here. We're happy for you and the wrestling scene as a whole, even if it makes us sad at the grassroots level. There’s also the fears that come with any change -- what if they switch up his gimmick into something watered down and boring? What if his style and demeanor don’t translate well onto the big screen? And so on, and so forth. Change is always a little scary, even if it rides on the coattails of opportunity.

 A tearful good-bye.

Halloween seems like as good a night as any to say good-bye and good luck to the dark and mysterious gentleman that is Tyler Bateman. We were treated to multiple inter-gender tag team and singles matches, including “Orange Kelly vs. Priscilla Cassidy,” Kris Statlander vs. Brian Cage, and Joey Ryan vs. Addy Star in an insane barefoot Legos match!

You think Legos hurt when you step on them? Try wrestling on them!

The Halloween spirit was high and we were treated to many excellent costumes, some of which were so silly they just have to be seen to be comprehended.

Even the fans came out fully geared up in a varied array of costumes -- some of my faves were:

Zoya the Destroyer from GLOW,

CM Punk, 

the Undertaker and Kane,

and the Elite

There were also several Orange Cassidy's in attendance. It makes me so happy how “over” Freshly Squeezed is -- he is my second favorite wrestler, after all!

"Orange Kelly" and "Priscilla Cassidy"

There is never a bad Bar Wrestling, but this may be one of the best I’ve yet attended. It was such a fun, silly, and intimate night.

 Beware of flying wrestlers.

It felt like family getting together to celebrate the holiday and bid our brother Tyler Bateman adieu -- complete with tearful kisses and hugs shared among the manliest of men as he walked out of Bar Wrestling’s ring for the last time, and into the shiny future held by Ring of Honor.


Good night and good luck, good sir. (OOF!)


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