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"Warrior Cry" - Strength in Poetry

Been facing some personal challenges over the last week, from both flares in my Fibromyalgia and family issues. I try to maintain an ever positive outlook on life no matter what obstacles I'm facing, but often I find I must push through the darkness to find the light in these difficult situations. I must allow myself time to feel what I need to feel, to process my grief and other feelings. With release comes healing, and then the strength to move on. This morning was particularly challenging, and so I put on my headphones, blasted 10,000 Days by Tool at high volume, and this poem came out. It made me feel strong again. My hope in sharing it is that maybe it could help someone else. 

I'm facing the abyss 
once again
I thought I'd left you for good
old friend
Things are amiss 
when they should be golden
Trying to be strong 
without folding 
But I fear
this time I may actually break 
I may have been given 
more than I can take
But I must make 
myself be strong
If not for my own sake
then for you and all else along
with me on this wild journey
This is a burden only I can carry
For I'm a survivor
With each battle I get mightier
You want me?
You'll not take me without a fight
In my veins flows the might 
of my ancestors like
the Yoeme and Thor's Angels 
Fear only destroys and mangles 
twists reality into distorted angles
I shake my fist at the sky
screaming, "I defy!" 
Do I make myself clear?
My flesh and bones may not be here much longer
but my spirit grows ever stronger
Do you hear me?
Gods, Deities 
Earth, Fire, and Water
I serve thee willingly
just please make me stronger
Like the warrior braves from my past
Who fought boldly to the very last
Even when all sight of hope was lost
Left stranded and double crossed
Let me honor their memory 
By standing tall and proud
Screaming war cries as loud
as my straining lungs will allow
I'll not cower in this corner any longer
I call now on all I am as Earth's Daughter
Ancestors, Sky, Fire, and Water
To keep the fight in me
make this warrior stronger
Til my time to rest comes
and I'm needed no longer

Stay strong my fellow warriors and Chronic Badasses :)

*Love & Light*
Renata Carmen 

Please, if you find any value from this blog, please consider making a donation to the PayPal link at the top right of the page. I don't create these posts expecting anything but to help/entertain others, but I am a disabled mechanic/artist who is not currently receiving SSI/SSDI and when I'm flared up it's hard if not impossible for me to get my hustle on. I'm also working on adding Bitcoin here! :) 


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