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i woke up early this morning before my alarm with heavy thoughts on my mind. America is under siege and its citizens are just passively observing its destruction. i am extremely disturbed by the complacency and apathy of today’s youth. why are we not up in arms in the streets? with this amazing tool we call the Internet, mobilization is easier and more possible now more than ever before. we can research all sides of an argument in an instant, we can verify facts and claims with a speed previously undreamed of. the blazing sword of truth is capable of cutting down the wielders of deceit and lies, if only it is picked up and used properly. yet we sit at home in front of the teli, eating up the misinformation spoon fed to us by the mainstream media. we sit complacently and complain about our problems and the things that bother us on forums and social media sights and say “yes but what can i do?”. “there are so many things wrong, where would one begin? what’s the point of focusing on all these things, you’re just being negative.” “these conspiracies you speak of have no merit.” that last one really gets me! conspiracies? please! i’m no tin foil hat wearing mother fucker, waiting for Quezticatal to come back and take me to the mothership. what i discuss are things i have learned about through this tool the Internet, this beautiful entity that enlightens those who seek it. i never would have been able to learn so quickly about such a myriad of topics as those that interest me at the moment were it not for this creation. otherwise, i would be doomed to rely solely on biased one sided points of views and spend literally days sifting through newspapers, encyclopedias, and heaven forbid, micro-fiche (shivers). now within hours i can research all perspectives and data on a topic and create my own educated assumption about the situation. i am in control of the information given to me. i don’t have tolerate overly negative jargon and advertising constantly being poured down my throat. i am no longer subject to being told i am not worthy unless i have your products, that i am not pretty unless i wear your toxin infused make-up, my body won’t work properly without your snake oils and magic beans. i am free. for the first time, we the masses, have the potential to live in a true utopia, where information is free and readily available to all, transparency within the powers that be is self evident…in fact it is here right now! its already upon us, yet we don’t even see it. the revelation, the change is still too new to be comprehended. and even tho it has happened in an incomprehensibly short amount of time in the grand scheme of things, for us humans the changes were just slow and subtle enough to not notice what was really going on. but in three generations, just three! we went from fucking VHS and cassette tapes, and computers being the size of entire rooms, to CD’s and LaserDiscs and over-sized car phones, to nano-technology, Smartphones, iPads, and the World Wide Web. astounding! we have the power to change the world with the click of a few buttons from our living rooms, in complete anonymity if so desired, yet all we do is use this tool to fuck around in Farmville on Facebook and troll forums and comment pages.  Meanwhile, the world is literally falling apart at the seams all around us; economically, socially, politically. Its like being in a building that’s on fire but being too pre-occupied with the Kardashians to seek escape or attempt to extinguish it. Its disgusting. and all i hear is “what can i do?”. the better question is “what can WE do?”. (remember we starts with you and me) we can use the internet to work together in groups, groups that focus on the topics that are important to us individually. can you imagine if they had the internet in the 60’s? what would they have done if they had laptops and smart phones? we can utilize minds from all over the globe simultaneously to comprehensively solve the challenges we as the human race currently face. they are numerous, it is true, but so are we. and we are strong. and powerful. and capable of anything beyond what we can now envision for ourselves. i believe very much in the potential of the human mind and character, i don’t believe that anyone is inherently bad, maybe some are born with some screwy circuitry, but i do feel that the world we create has a direct effect on the people in it and the way they behave.  the generations before us have fucked this world up pretty bad, in many different ways, and the task ahead seems daunting and impossible. but now is not the time to be faint of heart, now is the time to be strong! to unify as people trying to make this world ours, the way we want it to be for our children, cuz all these old motherfuckers making the decisions now won’t be around to see the long term fruits of their labor. they won’t have to carry the burden of watching their children continue to suffer from more allergies and other health issues due to the poisoning of the earth and its inhabitants from unnecessary man made by-products and industrial processes. they won’t be here to witness the long term destruction of their wars and genocides. but we will. it is up to us to fix this, because no one else will. there is no one else! we are it. so what are we gonna do about it? what are YOU going to do about it? what are your dreams, goals, aspirations? how are you going to achieve them? anything is possible if only we apply ourselves and work together! we are capable of great things, but will we get off our asses and do them? or will we just sit around and complain?
“you may say i’m a dreamer…but i’m not the only one..”
You know what i think the 2012 Singularity could be? a social one, where more people are directly involved with the development of the world around them than ever before, and social evolution happens more rapidly than ever before. This is one of my dreams.


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