i woke up early this morning before my alarm with heavy thoughts on my mind. America is under siege and its citizens are just passively observing its destruction. i am extremely disturbed by the complacency and apathy of today’s youth. why are we not up in arms in the streets? with this amazing tool we call the Internet, mobilization is easier and more possible now more than ever before. we can research all sides of an argument in an instant, we can verify facts and claims with a speed previously undreamed of. the blazing sword of truth is capable of cutting down the wielders of deceit and lies, if only it is picked up and used properly. yet we sit at home in front of the teli, eating up the misinformation spoon fed to us by the mainstream media. we sit complacently and complain about our problems and the things that bother us on forums and social media sights and say “yes but what can i do?”. “there are so many things wrong, where would one begin? what’s the point of focusing on all ...
Musings about chronic illness, pro-wrestling, cars, love, and other things.