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"Traveler's Mantra" - a poem circa 2011

very old school style prose, like my pre Hip-hop days.. enjoy!

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost

i dream
in fermented grains
of wild plains
and untamed mountains
challenging freight trains
snow covered passes
spring's fragile grasses
summer's warm, flirtatious embrace
and chilled glasses
filled to the brim
may your cup over-floweth
fellow wanderer, explorer, artist, and poet
go boldly forth
into the unknown
leave behind your family, loved ones, and home
and bear witness to scenes
few others have seen
forge your own path
create your own dreams
and chase them down
despite how overwhelming adversity seems
you will experience hunger
you will know heartache and pain
you will face wildfire and tumultuous rain
you may not survive
you may never come back
but to overcome is to thrive
thru suffering and lack
we learn who we are
our weaknesses and strengths
our boundaries
our ability to push the lengths
of soul and will
despite prosperity or ill
to find happiness within
is a blessed skill
even still
without huge risk
there is no great reward
so keep movin' forward
the journey starts with but a single step
you never know what you'll discover
maybe yourself
the final frontier
so cheers, fellow traveler
to you, me, the unknown
and those whom we love, far away
back at home


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