It has been entirely too long since i have written anything, on here or paper or anywhere. i am going thru some pretty heavy health stuff and instead of writing about it, i locked up, and have been really struggling to express myself over the last year or so. i probably won't get into any details on here about it. i should start another blog for that sort of writing and research, i just haven't fully convinced myself yet. but i have started writing again almost daily over the last week, and i think i got the juices flowing again, which is a huge relief because i think all artists fear they will wake up one day and no longer be able to express themselves in the ways that they find satisfactory. i don't feel like a whole person when i am not writing. so i am grateful to say that after this long silence i have two brand spankin new pieces to share with you today, one was started last week, both were finished this morning. i hope you enjoy them, i will post them next in separate posts so they can have their own pages and make any potential future searching easier. i just wanted to give you a little idea of where i have been. thanks so much for reading!!!
peace and love
renata carmen
peace and love
renata carmen
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