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Showing posts from January, 2020

What to Know Before Your Sonohysterogram

Yesterday, I had my first sonohysterogram. It was ordered for a large mass that was spotted on my cervix during a standard ultrasound that my doc needed a “better” view of and possible biopsy. My OB was very vague about what the procedure was, and what to expect. I wanted to be properly prepared, so I looked online, but only found vague descriptions there as well. I wish I had been fully educated about it beforehand - that someone had been real with me and been specific, so I knew what I was getting into. Well ladies, Tia Nata is here to give you the downlow, which I hope will help other women be better prepared for this procedure.  What Is A Sonohysterogram? I don’t want to scare you, but I’m going to be blunt, ladies - a sonohysterogram is a very personal, uncomfortable, and invasive procedure. You can look up the full definition from an actual medical source here , but none of them are honest about what to expect, in my humble opinion. They all say things like, "You'll ...

AB5 Takes the Freedom Out of Freelance

My name is Renata Carmen. I’m a 35 year old California based freelance writer who has been negatively impacted by the new AB5 bill. This law was enacted with the idea it would protect those who desire employee over contract employment status in situations where it’s been unfairly denied them. This is an important and noble cause, and I’m in no way attacking it. However, because the law is written so broadly, many freelance workers who don’t need these protections, including artists and writers, are suffering as a result. Under the new law, freelance writers are now limited to a paltry 35 submissions per year to each company. That’s only 2-3 per month, when many of us need to produce 2-3 per day in order to make a living. I was able to work as much as I desire, with an endless amount of material at my disposal. Now, I find myself in a position of losing my primary source of income and risking becoming obsolete. In the internet age, it’s almost impossible to keep up with any genre when o...