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Showing posts from June, 2015

June 26th, 2015 – A Historical Day to Close Out an Epic Week - Presidents, Podcasts, Progress

(Started writing this on Friday, had to take lots of breaks to finish it to my standards and add hyperlinks/pics, so it's going up on Saturday afternoon, 7-27) The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of same sex marriage!!!! What a way to close out an epic week for progress! I learned rather belatedly that the feds cut off funding to the DEA for medical cannabis raids late last year, due to recent back lash from the Justice Department. Come on guys, just let it go already! Stop fucking with sick people and our right to choose our symptom management!  You'll come around eventually.  It was a close decision, 5-4, but history has been made on this day here in this country. My mind is totally blown . I had no idea this was going on, as I don't watch the news, and avoid it online (not on Facebook, my homepage is Google). Especially when the Fibromyalgia is kicking my ass like it has been for the last few weeks (boo). The decision was based upon the 14 th Amendment, and fro...

Staying Sane in the Midst of a Flare - Keep Pain/Suffering In Context

Been in a pretty rough spot the last few weeks or so due to a flare in my Fibro . Been having major problems with my arms . Had issues with them in the past, but not to this degree. The muscles, tendons, and joints hurt, ache, burn and my whole arms are very weak and shaky.  To the point where I can barely lift my can of seltzer water (*note to self - get straws*). It's terrifying and frustrating when you've been doing better for a while and then you get debilitated again. And having to manage the pain is the hardest part, not so much the physical side of it, yes that is a huge challenge, but the drugs sure help (" I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me.") . Although they don't really make me very functional, just take away the urge to have my arms cut off in hopes of alleviating the pain. The harder part, for me anyway, is the mental side of pain. Of waking up in Level 10 pain for weeks straight, being too debilitated to do even little things like va...

"Fake" - A Poem

This is an old poem circa 2002 or so. I'm finally undertaking a long project and digitizing crates of poetry I've been carrying with me for years. Some of it goes as far back as the 5th grade! This one still stands out as a favorite, and I've been thinking of it recently due to some challenging interpersonal situations. Personally, I'm still stoked on the wordplay on this one :) Hope you enjoy it too! Fake Faltering in her silent steps she cries aloud. The light overwhelms the senses. Come, darkness! Save me from the truth. Envelop me with your star-studded veil. Don't let her see our technicolor dreams. For her plastic thoughts will ruin the universe, and she will only smile. -R.C.H. Thanks for reading! *Love & Light* Renata Carmen Please, if you find any value from this blog, please consider making a donation to the PayPal link at the top right of the page. I don't create these posts expecting anything but to help/entertain others, but I am a disabled mech...