Finding the strength to write again after the last couple months has a been a great challenge, probably one of the greatest of my life. Which, as you get to know me, dear reader, you may find has not been an easy one. But who has an easy path in this life, really? I can sit here and make excuses about it, after all, I have some pretty good ones; at the beginning of the year I lost two people who were very close to me, shortly after that I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (a bittersweet experience..."Hey, I'm not crazy! See, I really am sick, in your face haters! Oh shit, I have Fibro, fuck what now??"), and I relocated a couple thousand miles from the thriving industry of Boulder County, Colorado to a quiet, small town (technically a "village") in Southwest Vermont - which required the sale of my dearly beloved AW11 ('87 MR2). "And so she walked out of our lives, forever..." The move was madness, as all such moves are, but was exasperated by our e...
Musings about chronic illness, pro-wrestling, cars, love, and other things.