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Showing posts from August, 2013

Living with Chronic Illness - Making a Heaven out of Hell

First off, I would like to give my sincerest apologies for falling off the face of the planet for the last few months. What have I been up to, one might ask? Well, to be honest, I am ashamed to say I have been mostly doing this: Which I think anyone would do in similar circumstances, but you don't get a lot done, and you're likely to miss any opportunities that come your way (like a call from the Blue Man Group or about the part as Scared Inmate #2). For the last few years I have been battling debilitating chronic illness, and until about a month ago was eluded in reaching a diagnoses.  During that time, I have been told that I'm mentally ill, had doctors give up on me, had friends, family and acquaintances think its all in my head or I'm lazy, racked up medical debt, and had unnecessary invasive medical procedures. To put it lightly, I have been through the ringer, and despite the denial of everyone else, my physical condition has continued to decline. When I develope...